What is Fun Sculpting?

Modern, HD Liposuction Technology

Fun Sculpting is a safe, modern and minimally invasive fat removal and fat transfer system. This remarkable procedure falls under the category of High Definition Liposuction, and what sets it apart is its gentle and tissue-friendly approach. Unlike other fat removal methods that involve cutting, burning, ripping, freezing, or tearing, Fun Sculpting takes a different route.

This system employs a specialized dull-tipped cannula and the power of infrasonic vibrations to create a harmonic wave. This wave works its magic by safely and permanently dislodging fat cells without harming the surrounding connective tissue, nerves, or blood vessels. The result? A procedure that's both quick and safe, and guess what? It's low on pain, eliminating the need for sedation.

How does it work?

This animation shows how Fun Sculpting’s dull-tipped instrument uses infrasonic vibrations to safely remove fat cells without damaging the underlying tissue.
(Video does not have sound)

But the benefits don't stop there. FunSculpting technology continues to work its wonders for up to six months after treatment by stimulating collagen production. This not only aids in skin tightening but also enhances the smoothness of your results.

To learn more about Fun Sculpting, check out FunSculpting.com for additional resources and videos related to the science and expected results.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does Funsculpting cost?

In Appleton, Funsculpting costs $2,750 for one body area. For example, one area may be belly fat removal, arm fat removal, double chin removal, or thigh fat removal, etc. Adding additional areas drops the price significantly.

How much fat does liposuction remove? How much fat does Fun Sculpting remove?

The American Society of Plastic Surgeons recommends that no more than 5 liters of fat should be removed per session. That guideline applies to both liposuction and Fun Sculpting.

Is FunSculpting Painful?

Most patients experience some pain during the procedure, and you will likely feel soreness for a couple days afterward. The discomfort is comparable to what you might feel after a strong workout. No post procedure narcotics are given, and patients report sufficient comfort levels with Tylenol. Normal daily activities can be resumed as tolerated, normally a few days after the procedure.

Is FunSculpting Safe?

As an FDA approved device and procedure, any and all complications from Fun Sculpting must be reported to the FDA. To date, there has never been a death, skin necrosis, or embolism from Fun Sculpting.

What Areas Of The Body Can Be Treated with FunSculpting?

Just about every area can be safely treated including abs, flanks, inner/outer thighs, calves, arms, backs, necks, and chins. The system is also routinely used to reduce both male and female breasts.

What Can I Expect?

Before the procedure:

The day of the procedure, your provider can offer you up to 1 mg of Ativan, if needed, for anxiety. Otherwise, the procedure is performed in the office with only local anesthesia by a trained Nurse Practitioner. The lack of intravenous sedation reduces operative time by 40% over traditional liposuction and laser assisted procedures.

During the procedure:

You will be awake the entire time. You can sleep, read, listen to music, play games on your phone, etc. (although no pictures or videos will be allowed during the procedure). You will feel some gentle pressure and vibration, but not pain.

After the procedure:

Immediately following your procedure, you will be able to see your results. Keep in mind, there is a great deal of fluid used during the procedure, so there will be some initial swelling. You will then be dressed in a compression garment. This garment MUST be worn for 24/7 for 2 weeks, and then 12 hours a day for 2 weeks. This is VITAL in healing and optimizing results!

Since we won't use general anesthesia, you can leave on your own right after the procedure. However, it's a good idea to have someone drive you home, especially if you took Ativan beforehand. After you get home, take a rest for a couple of hours because you may feel tired. Later in the day, you should take a shower and a walk (around 1-2 miles) to help with drainage. You might feel some tenderness and soreness in the treated areas, similar to after an intense workout, but this discomfort should go away within a few days. The entry points are small (3mm) and will close naturally within 24 hours, so they don't need stitches. They will be covered with bandaids.

How Long Before I See Results?

You will see some results immediately after the procedure. Tightening of the procedure area continues over the next 30 days with about 60% of results being visible within 2 weeks. The skin tightening is natural and permanent (with weight maintenance). In contrast, heat induced skin tightening lasts less than a year.

Some areas will not tighten as much as others, such as arms. This is simply due to gravity. Additionally, when a large volume of fat is removed, the skin may fully retract, but the skin will tighten up considerably. Clients must wear compression garments as directed to ensure optimal skin tightening. Irregularities in the skin present before the procedure, such as stretch marks or dimpling, will not necessarily be removed through the procedure. However, you will see a generalized improvement in the contour of the treated area.

Does The Fat Come Back?

No. After your Fun Sculpting treatment, the fat cells will never regenerate in the treated area as they are literally no longer in your body. With weight maintenance, the fat removal and skin tightening is permanent. Also, unlike other fat removal procedures, you will not have to have repeated treatments on the same area.

Why Is Fun Sculpting Better Than Other "Fat Removal" Procedures?

  • Shorter treatment times (up to 40% faster than other procedures)

  • Increased patient safety

  • Less patient downtime

  • Less bruising and swelling

  • No burning or scarring of skin since no heat is generated

  • Smoother, more beautiful results

  • No general anesthesia needed

  • Vibration stimulated pain control during procedure

  • All skin types can be treated

  • Natural skin retraction and tightening

  • More cost effective than Cool Sculpting or Liposuction

  • No need for multiple procedures

  • No sutures

Should I get Funsculpting before, during, or after starting a weight loss plan?

Fun Sculpting is not a weight loss treatment, but it typically works best at the beginning of a weight loss program. In our experience, the removal of excess fat builds tremendous confidence and momentum to set you up for success in a sustained weight loss journey. Fun Sculpting also provides skin tightening to the treatment area, lowering the amount of saggy skin one may experience after significant weight loss. If you have already lost a lot of weight and need to remove excess skin, Fun Sculpting will not help, and we’d be happy to refer you to a plastic surgeon for a tummy tuck.

How does Funsculpting compare to CoolSculpting®, Cryosliming or EMSculpt®?

CoolSculpting®, Cryosliming or EMSculpt® are all external methods of fat reduction that use technology to kill off fat cells slowly over time. They work well, but these options typically require many sessions over several months. Fun Sculpting goes below the skin to remove the stubborn fat cells in 1 day.

How much do Fat Transfers cost?

At Blue Wolf, Fun Sculpting Natural Fat Transfers cost $3,000. This includes breast augmentations, butt lifts, and hip dip fillings. In order to transfer fat to these areas, fat must first be taken from another area of your body — typically the belly area. For more pricing information, check out our pricing page.

When can I resume exercise after Fun Sculpting?

People have varying tolerance for pain and recovery. You can start walking again the day after your procedure, and you can do moderate exercises that don't involve your core after 3-4 days.

After one week, your body is ready to ease back into your fitness activities as you can tolerate. Listen to your body and don't overdo it.

Still have questions?
Schedule time to talk with us.

Blue Wolf’s mission is to help you regain your confidence, in whatever form that takes. We are advocates for positive transformations and healthy, confident lifestyles. Our professional medical team would be happy to answer any questions you may about the right solution for you.